
As a landlord, how do I calculate the lease rate for my office building?

This is a great question since commercial buildings and their uses vary so widely. There are also a lot of factors to consider when making this determination. The lease rate for an office building is going to largely depend on market conditions. Where are people moving to? What areas of town are the most desirable office submarkets? What’s going on...

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What Is the Best Website for Finding Commercial Real Estate?

Searching for commercial real estate online is a little trickier than searching for residential. Residential real estate search engines such as Zillow,, and, not to mention many residential brokerage sites feature a huge variety of listings. In the case of the larger sites, you can search nationwide for the property of your dreams. The online tools for commercial...

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Why Is Commercial Property So Expensive?

In this case, the term “expensive” is relative. What looks expensive to a novice, first-time investor may look like pocket change to one that is established in commercial real estate investing. But, to be fair, commercial real estate is generally more expensive than single-family residential homes. This is the result of a few factors. Commercial property takes a lot of money to...

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What is the difference between a triple-net (NNN), a modified gross, and a full service lease?

There are three main types of leases for commercial space: a triple-net (NNN), a modified gross, and a full-service. When it comes to understanding what each covers, it helps to think of it as a sliding scale. I’ll explain each in more detail below.   NNN Lease A NNN lease essentially means that all of the expenses related to the building are going...

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