03 Apr 7 Accounts We’re Following on Social Media
Social media has become a major part of society’s everyday life. Many professionals and consumers alike start the day by opening their Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to keep up-to-date with the day’s happenings. In fact, a study by PEW Research Center shows that around 67% of adults in the United States rely on social media sites for news. Even further, 74% of adults who are on Twitter say they use the platform to find news and information they deem to be important.
This has led to many companies, including CRE Tech companies, to have strong online presences and post extremely valuable content frequently. We’ve compiled a list of 7 CRE tech companies we’re following on social media. If you’re trying to stay up-to-date on all things commercial real estate, these are some great accounts to follow!
- Propmodo
@propmodo on Twitter and Facebook
Propmodo’s feed is devoted mainly to technology-based posts for the CRE industry. From cybersecurity to articles about PropTech, lease automation, and a plethora of topics in between, Propmodo is an amazing way to stay updated on technological advances in the industry.
- Urban Land Institute
@UrbanLandInst on Twitter and @UrbanLandInstitute on Facebook
ULI has more than 137k followers on Twitter and nearly 70k followers on Facebook. ULI is an organization leading the future of urban and suburban sustainable development. One of the oldest networks of cross-disciplinary land use, they post a variety of informative information daily as well as internal studies that can provide valuable content for anyone in the CRE industry.
@RealNex on Twitter
RealNex specializes in CRE tech. The company combines a variety of tools to create a CRM specifically for CRE professionals. It includes analysis, marketing tools and more to created a one stop shop for CRE technical solutions while promoting efficiency. Their Twitter feed is a true extension of the company, with more than 23,000 followers, they provide relevant articles on the CRE market, technical advances and ways to get ahead — and stay ahead.
- Fundrise
@fundrise on Twitter and Instagram
Crowdfunding has been a hot topic in the CRE tech world in the past few years. Fundrise continues to be one of the leading crowdfunding platforms. They offer low-cost options for investors and developers with investments that start as low as $500. They often share various tech, financial and investment tips an articles via Twitter and their Instagram highlights FAQs and properties and endeavors their platform has helped make successful.
- Real Capital Analytics
@realcapital on Twitter
Real Capital Analytics describes themselves as the “authority on deals and trends driving CRE investments.” Their Twitter feed shares extremely informative information about the global CRE market. Everything is soundly researched and presented in an easy to absorb manner. A great tool for CRE professionals, investors, developers, brokers and clients alike.
- CompStak
@compstak on Twitter and Instagram
CompStak gathers, analyzes and organizes CRE info via crowdsourcing. They allow users to access their database of various lease information and transactions — as well as contribute to the data pool, which is then analyzed by professionals. CompStak’s Twitter feed also provides nationwide data on general CRE, Market specific and CRE tech news.
- REIS Inc
@REIS_CRE on Twitter
REIS Inc by Moody Analytics provides unbiased CRE market data and analytics. They come from a mainly numerical based analysis, which can prove to be a great resource for any industry professional. Their feed also includes informatively rich content of all things CRE.
As social media continues to grow and evolve, companies are poised to keep providing content for consumers, hungry for information and news in real time. These are just a few of the companies we’re watching. What are some of the ones on your follower list?
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