How To Find The Perfect Office Space For Your Business

Your company office space reveals crucial details about the culture and brand. Where your company chooses to make its “home away from home” impacts client/customer experience, employee morale, and ultimately your overall success. Whether you have decided to expand into your first office space or find a new space that is more aligned with your needs, it is vital to do so with careful consideration.

We have created this handy “cheat sheet” to help you find the perfect office space for your business.


#1 Know Your Brand

You may be thinking “Of course I know my own brand!” That’s probably true. However, it’s key to also understand how your brand is perceived by everyone else but you. Perception is everything and getting a solid grasp on how your business is viewed can lead to a difference in the space you need. How do you do that? One strategy is surveying existing clientele and employees. An added benefit of this strategy? You can refine your target demographic or discover new potential markets that may not have been immediately apparent. This valuable intel to ensures you know exactly what you want your new office space to include to serve as an extension of your unique brand.


#2 Know Your Location

I won’t say it. I’m not going to say it. LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. Sorry, I said it. You’ve no doubt heard this adage before today, but it takes on a whole new meaning when selecting office space as an owner. Geography and demographics are a driving force when choosing the perfect office space. Ask yourself-Is your new location convenient for clients to access? Is it in an area that facilitates growth? Will this location help to attract (and retain) top talent? Do you need visible signage?

A quick internet search can reveal safety ratings, traffic counts, hyper-local demographics, and residential growth trends. Begin your search in areas where you feel your business will thrive and expand from there. Don’t immediately dismiss “bad areas.” There may be more than meets the eye.


#3 Know Your Employees

Employees aren’t just the heart of your business-they are your business. They keep things running smoothly day-to-day. Being aware and considerate of their preferences can help you find a space that will make them happy; and happy employees are up to 20% more productive. Look for an office space that has ample space for each employee and room for growth (you’ll need it after selecting the perfect space!). Additionally, consider amenities such as ease of parking, a place for breaks, or public transportation options nearby.


#4 Know Your Budget

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it is pivotal to know your budget. You must also take into account any additional costs that may not be included in the “advertised” rate. Do you have to pay for utilities? Do you have to cover janitorial?

Overspend and you may not be able to afford other expenses or need to downsize. Underspend and you may not get important employee amenities or confine potential growth options. When looking for new office space, make sure you can afford the rent, your business operating costs, and unexpected expenses that may arise.


#5 Know When To Seek Help

Lastly, know when it may save you time and money by outsourcing the assignment to a professional in the commercial field. Finding the perfect space can be tough, and this guide is only the beginning of questions. Would you rather a Modified Gross structure? Full Service? Licensed agents have unparalleled market knowledge, invaluable negotiating skills, and the ability to ensure you are getting exactly what you need. When in doubt, feel free to reach out to me. I’m Elifin’s Office Specialist and I’d be happy to get your questions answered. 800-895-9329 and ask for George.


Questions and concerns aside, finding a new or different office space is an exciting time in a business owner’s life. If you are searching for office space, be sure to do your research, follow our carefully curated tips, and let me know how I can help to ensure your success now and far into the future.



George Bonvillain, Office Specialist
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