
Apprentice Questions: Confidence is a Skill

Today's Apprentice Question is for Peter Laville, Land Specialist in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. [embed][/embed] Josh: In your opinion, what is the single most important skill to develop when starting out as a young agent? Peter Laville: Be confident about who you are and what you do, no matter what your age is. When you're doing deals and you're in the market, you're at...

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Calling Perry Musgrow

[embed][/embed] Fly: I want to know, what is your first memory of buying or selling something? Perry Musgrow: The first house I bought was when my wife was pregnant. We were expecting a son. We closed in August, and my son was born in November. We were in there painting the room blue and everything. I still own that house. It was...

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Calling Mark Segalla

  [embed][/embed] Fly: I want to know, what is your first memory of buying or selling something? Mark Segalla: In high school, my best friend and I started a lawn care company. We walked around the neighborhood with our push mower because we didn’t have a truck, knocking on doors and waiting for our first "yes." Eventually, we got it up to about...

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Getting to know: Lindsay Redhead

  [embed][/embed] Fly: What is your first memory of buying or selling something? Lindsay Redhead: Basically, my parents had a reward system—do chores or make certain grades, and I would earn credit. I distinctly remember that, for some reason, I really wanted this fleece blanket with the Mad Hatter's face on it from Alice in Wonderland, the one with Johnny Depp, which is...

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Career Opportunities in Commercial Real Estate Fall 2024

Are you a student interested in Commercial Real Estate? George Bonvillain, Jr, ELIFIN® Partner and Head of Recruitment and Talent Acquisition, is going on tour this fall to talk about career opportunities as an Associate or in our Apprenticeship Program. - About the ELIFIN® Apprenticeship Program You are an ideal candidate for this position if you are ambitious, hard-working, quick, and throughout college you’ve...

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Apprentice Questions: Hardest Deal

Today's Apprentice Question is for Keagan Finley, Senior Vice President of Multifamily Sales in Columbus, Ohio. [embed][/embed] Caden: What's been the hardest deal you've had to close while in commercial real estate? Keagan Finley: The hardest deal I ended up closing was actually my biggest deal. It involved a developer purchasing land, and they found out they needed to have an easement signed...

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First Year in Commercial Real Estate PT 2

[embed][/embed] George: It's so important to have an environment of trust because, during that first year, that super critical period, the people around you are going to essentially fill the gap of your self-belief. They're going to lift you up when you need to be lifted. As you start to have success, they might say, "Hey, let's focus on the basics...

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Apprentice Questions: Where it all started

Today we're throwing back to the inspiration for this series: Intern Questions from 2019. [embed][/embed] Paul: Mathew, what's your biggest piece of advice for people trying to add value in any capacity? Mathew: The number one piece of advice is to listen. A lot of people try to add value right from the start—they assume they know the client’s or person’s needs and...

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Apprentice Questions: Control What You Can Control

Today's Question is for Peter Laville, Land Specialist in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. [embed][/embed] Katrina: What is one way you're able to stay positive when a deal isn't running as smoothly as you hoped? Peter Laville: One way I try to stay positive is by controlling what I can control. Anytime you're doing development, there are so many things during the due diligence period...

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Apprentice Questions: Get Focused

Today's Question is for Alex Ruch, Senior Associate in Industrial Sales & Leasing in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. [embed][/embed] Josh: What is the biggest mistake you made when starting out? Alex Ruch: One mistake I made early on was trying to do deals everywhere with every property type. I was doing it out of desperation because I started out not making any money and...

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