
Apprentice Questions: Hardest Deal

Today's Apprentice Question is for Keagan Finley, Senior Vice President of Multifamily Sales in Columbus, Ohio. [embed][/embed] Caden: What's been the hardest deal you've had to close while in commercial real estate? Keagan Finley: The hardest deal I ended up closing was actually my biggest deal. It involved a developer purchasing land, and they found out they needed to have an easement signed...

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First Year in Commercial Real Estate PT 2

[embed][/embed] George: It's so important to have an environment of trust because, during that first year, that super critical period, the people around you are going to essentially fill the gap of your self-belief. They're going to lift you up when you need to be lifted. As you start to have success, they might say, "Hey, let's focus on the basics...

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Apprentice Questions: Where it all started

Today we're throwing back to the inspiration for this series: Intern Questions from 2019. [embed][/embed] Paul: Mathew, what's your biggest piece of advice for people trying to add value in any capacity? Mathew: The number one piece of advice is to listen. A lot of people try to add value right from the start—they assume they know the client’s or person’s needs and...

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Apprentice Questions: Control What You Can Control

Today's Question is for Peter Laville, Land Specialist in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. [embed][/embed] Katrina: What is one way you're able to stay positive when a deal isn't running as smoothly as you hoped? Peter Laville: One way I try to stay positive is by controlling what I can control. Anytime you're doing development, there are so many things during the due diligence period...

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Apprentice Questions: Get Focused

Today's Question is for Alex Ruch, Senior Associate in Industrial Sales & Leasing in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. [embed][/embed] Josh: What is the biggest mistake you made when starting out? Alex Ruch: One mistake I made early on was trying to do deals everywhere with every property type. I was doing it out of desperation because I started out not making any money and...

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First Year in Commercial Real Estate PT 1

[embed][/embed] George Bonvillain: First Year of Commercial Real Estate It can simply feel like you have no idea what you're doing. The same questions might be running through your head: Why did I choose this? This isn't for me. Clearly, I made a mistake. Nothing I'm doing is working. And I don't even know if I'm doing the right things. I was asking someone in...

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Apprentice Questions: Rules for Success

Today's Question is for Adrien Foley, Industrial Sales & Leasing Associate in New Orleans, Louisiana. [embed][/embed] Josh: What is your No. 1 rule for success in commercial real estate? Adrien Foley: Understanding that you're going to go through the hard times at first. If you buckle down and embrace failure and accept that things aren't always going to go your way as a...

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Apprentice Questions: Integrity is Everything

Today's Question is for Peter Laville, Land Specialist in Baton Rouge, LA. [embed][/embed] Katrina: If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice when you were first starting out as an agent, what would it be? Peter Laville: Do what you said you were going to do when you said you were going to do it. This advice comes from...

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Getting to know: Collin Guerra

  [embed][/embed] Fly: I wanna know, where do you like to work besides the office? Collin Guerra: At my house outside. I’ve got a pretty peaceful compound. I’ve got a pool, got my donkeys, and just like relaxing with my animals sometimes. Fly: What other kind of animals do you have? Collin Guerra: Six donkeys, a goat, and a pig named Patty. I also have...

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Apprentice Questions: Staying Motivated

Today's Question is for Sam Myers, Industrial Specialist in Columbus, OH. [embed][/embed] Alex: When times get tough, what motivates you to keep going and pushing through? Sam Myers: For me, recently dealing with my struggles, I've gone back to this quote that I read. It talks about how your younger self would be so grateful to have these things we call struggles today....

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