
Read These 4 Books Before Investing in Commercial Real Estate

You may have thought about investing in commercial real estate. Many people have found incredible success in the industry and it is a great way to achieve your financial goals for an entrepreneurial-minded individual. As a self-starter, education is important and taking the time to learn about the industry can provide priceless knowledge and tips on becoming successful that you...

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Collaboration or Distraction: Pros and Cons of Coworking

Coworking has become a true buzzword over the past few years since the term was coined in 2005 by Brad Neuberg, the originator of the co-working space. Coworking can be defined as any office or work environment that is shared by various employees. Since its inception in 2005, studies show that there are now more than 18,000 coworking spaces worldwide. In...

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Smart Complexes & Smart Profits

Whether you’re a commercial real estate developer, property owner, or investor, it only makes sense to try to increase the value of your multifamily property prior to putting it on the market for sale. However, in today’s day and age of technological advances, there are a number of “smart” ways to enhance your multifamily property that go far beyond the...

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Staying Relevant in Retail

Its no secret that E-commerce has become a force to be reckoned with in recent years. In fact, last year online sales of physical products surpassed $500 billion and are projected to eclipse $735 billion by 2023 according to a report done by Statisa. The unquestioned e-commerce leader, Amazon, hit a $1 Trillion market cap last year, joining only Apple...

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7 Accounts We’re Following on Social Media

Social media has become a major part of society’s everyday life. Many professionals and consumers alike start the day by opening their Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to keep up-to-date with the day’s happenings. In fact, a study by PEW Research Center shows that around 67% of adults in the United States rely on social media sites for news. Even further,...

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How To Find Your Perfect Industrial Property

When looking for an industrial property there are a variety of factors that come into play. Although looking for an industrial space can be a bit daunting, especially if you are an unseasoned investor, having the right information and assistance will set you up for success. When you're scouting for a commercial industrial space, it's important to know what your...

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8 Tips Before Photographing Your Commercial Property For Sale

Did you know that according to The Wall Street Journal, real estate buyers spend 60% of their time looking at photos and listings with high-quality photos can gain anywhere between $934 and $116,000 on the market? So, when they say a picture is worth a thousand words, it might also be worth a thousand dollars. What can you do to...

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So You Think You Want to Own a Coworking Space?

Shared office space is all the rage right now, but just because it is popular does that mean it is profitable? As an investor, should you invest in a shared office space? In case you have been considering it, let's take a look into the pros and cons of coworking spaces.   What Exactly is a Coworking Space? Coworking is a newer term...

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Watch These 4 Tech Trends Transform The CRE Space

The technology industry is one that is constantly growing and changing. From year to year, it evolves. Unlike other industries, the technology industry often has clearly defined trends which can influence and impact a variety of other industries — and the commercial real estate industry is no different. So let’s take a look at a few trends impacting the tech...

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5 Reasons You Should NEVER Hire A Broker

When investing in commercial real estate, everyone wants to work as efficiently as possible and get the best deals out there. You’re no exception. To accomplish this, many investors and business owners hire professional real estate brokers to help with their purchasing & leasing. You are probably reading this article because you’re currently deliberating whether or not you should hire a...

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