
Moving from Single-Family to Multifamily Real Estate

Transitioning from single-family homes to multifamily commercial properties requires careful consideration and strategic planning. Recently on the Commercial Real Estate subreddit , user RealEstateAdventurer asked how to expand your portfolio by capitalizing on new opportunities in multifamily investing.  If you are also thinking about moving from investing in single-family to multifamily, it’s helpful to understand the differences between these two sectors....

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How to Price Your Commercial Property

Whether you’re looking to sell, lease, or simply assess your current asset, understanding pricing and valuation can help you make informed decisions that maximize returns and minimize risks. The Three Valuation Methods There are three primary methods used to value a property: Sales Comparison Approach Income Approach Replacement Cost Approach   Each method has its unique applications, strengths, and considerations. Sales Comparison...

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How to Convert Residential Property to Commercial

Converting a residential property into a commercial one can be a great investment, but it requires careful planning and understanding of various laws, regulations, and the impact on the greater community. Here are some things to consider to navigate this process. practical advice to help you navigate the process smoothly. Assessing Your Property Before you start changing things, evaluate the property's condition,...

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Market Report – Columbus, OH – May 2024

Overall Dollar Volume is up 1.6% The trailing 12 month total dollar volume of sales was $1.357B at the end of May 2024 vs. $1.336B at the end of the prior month. Overall Deal Velocity is up 0.36% The trailing 12 month sale count was 556 at the end of May 2024 vs. 554 at the end of the prior month.   [pdfjs-viewer url="" attachment_id="11843"...

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Market Report – New Orleans, LA – May 2024

Overall Dollar Volume is up 0.83% The trailing 12 month total dollar volume of sales was $757.2M at the end of May 2024 vs. $751.0M at the end of the prior month. Overall Deal Velocity is down 4.19% The trailing 12 month sale count was 480 at the end of May 2024 vs. 501 at the end of the prior month.   [pdfjs-viewer url="" attachment_id="11834"...

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Market Report – Baton Rouge, LA – May 2024

Overall Dollar Volume is down 7.41% The trailing 12 month total dollar volume of sales was $505.3M at the end of May 2024 vs. $545.8M at the end of the prior month. Overall Deal Velocity is down 3.78% The trailing 12 month sale count was 382 at the end of May 2024 vs. 397 at the end of the prior month.   [pdfjs-viewer url="" attachment_id="11836"...

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Market Report – Lafayette, LA – May 2024

Overall Dollar Volume is steady. The trailing 12 month total dollar volume of sales was $368.5M at the end of May 2024. Overall Deal Velocity is down 2.61% The trailing 12 month sale count was 336 at the end of May 2024 vs. 345 at the end of the prior month.   [pdfjs-viewer url="" attachment_id="11835" viewer_width=100% viewer_height=800px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]...

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Why Do Commercial Real Estate Loans Have Balloon Payments?

What is a Balloon Payment? A balloon payment is a large lump sum due at the end of a loan's term, significantly larger than the regular monthly payments made during the loan period. This structure allows for lower monthly payments, making it an attractive option for many borrowers.  Commercial balloon loans usually span three to ten years or more, though monthly payments...

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Selling Your Commercial Property: Tenant Occupied vs. Vacant

Commercial property owners and investors often find themselves weighing the decision to sell their rental properties. Evaluating your portfolio during shifting market conditions is important to maximize returns on your investments. But one question that comes up frequently during this process is whether to sell your property while it’s tenant occupied, or wait until it's vacant. Selling Occupied Properties Selling a property...

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What Commercial Real Estate Makes the Most Money?

Commercial Real Estate is a broad industry that covers a lot of asset classes and property types. Many people are interested in knowing what commercial properties are the most profitable. Understanding the reasons why certain sectors perform higher than others can help support your success in an ever-fluctuating market. Here are some of the property types that perform well and...

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