
How Do I Know My Appraisal is Accurate?

Buying or selling a property is a big investment.  You want to ensure that you’re getting a fair price for your property.  What happens if the property is appraised too high or too low?  Do you trust the first appraisal, or should you request multiple appraisals from different appraisers?  While the short answer is that if you’re uncomfortable with what...

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Is Commercial Real Estate a Good Investment?

Commercial Real Estate is a phenomenal investment! Commercial properties such as office buildings, apartment buildings, industrial buildings, warehouses and “mixed-use” buildings typically offer a greater financial reward as compared to residential property. We’re talking, real, tangible assets that you can see and check on with a strong earning potential. The key thing about investing in commercial real estate is that you’ve...

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How Much Do Commercial Brokers Charge?

The answer to this question is deceptively simple: It’s all negotiable. But the reason behind this answer dates back to 1890 when Congress passed the Sherman Act as a way “to protect the process of competition for the benefit of consumers” (source). Essentially, the Sherman Act along with the Federal Trade Commission Act and the Clayton Act ensure healthy competition in...

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The Pulse - best commercial real estate baton rouge news elifin realty

The Pulse: Former Neese Industries Headquarters Sells

A weekly update on the commercial real estate landscape of Baton Rouge. Commercial Sales Recorded Last Week 622 Shadows Ln, Suite B Price: $250,000 ($139 / SF) Buyer: Jackson and Jolie LLC Elifin's Notes: Parker Orthodontics purchases office suite near Goodwood Blvd and Connell's Park Ln. 10646 Airline Hwy Price: $1,500,000 ($22 / SF) Buyer: ASH Brothers, LLC Elifin's Notes: Former Neese Industries headquarters sells in Gonzales, LA. 1974 Wooddale...

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What’s the best way to negotiate for a lower rent for my office space?

I have three suggestions for negotiating a lower rent for your office space:   Go with a longer term lease. Commercial property leases can range from 1 year to 10 years. For a landlord, a shorter lease means that they’ll have to put work and marketing money into finding a new tenant sooner rather than later. This may mean that a shorter term...

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Former Neese Industries Building Sold for $1,500,000

DOWNLOAD PDF November 15, 2019 – Baton Rouge, LA –  Elifin Realty has announced the sale of 10646 Airline Hwy in Gonzales, LA. This large industrial property has been the headquarters for Neese Industries for 50+ years. The ±69,000+ SF complex sitting on 25 acres was purchased by ASH Brothers, LLC. The property features 905' of frontage with 5 access points to Airline...

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What amenities should I add to my office building to attract top businesses?

The answer to this question really depends on the specific market and type of business you’re targeting. In a large market like New York or San Francisco, the focus is on “smart” buildings. Buildings include things like temperature control, access control, very energy efficient windows. All things that make the building nicer and more secure. In a market like Baton...

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Three Office Pad Sites in Covington SOLD

DOWNLOAD PDF   November 14, 2019 – Baton Rouge, LA –  Elifin Realty has announced the sale of three office pad sites (Units 3A, 8B, and 12) located in the Abita View Office Park at 1958 N Hwy 190 in Covington, LA. Unit 3A is planned for a ±6,600 SF building area to be built on piers similar to the neighboring building. Unit...

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The Pulse: LWCC Purchases Former La Quinta Inn + 2 National Auto Service Retailers Purchases Land in BR

A weekly update on the commercial real estate landscape of Baton Rouge. Commercial Sales Recorded Last Week 9442, 9452, 9560 Angus Ave Price: $1,450,000 ($60,417 / unit) Buyer: Duke Rentals of Zachary LLC Elifin's Notes: Three 8-plexes in Zachary sell each containing 2 bed / 1 bath units. 3905 Convention St Price: $290,000 ($41 / SF) Buyer: HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region Two (HAART), Inc Elifin's Notes: HAART, a non-profit...

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